Earlier this week, CNN journalist Chris Cuomo repeated the insolent cry of the Hollywood elite, declaring "thoughts and prayers" after a tragedy only "mock those who lost loved ones". Additionally, he posed this question regarding the idea of prayer: "You think leaving it to God is the answer?"
I've heard the phrase "thoughts and prayers" a thousand times growing up in the bible belt. In fact, I've used it a thousand times. It's difficult to know what to say when standing before someone who has suffered tremendous loss. I've been face to face with a mother who has lost a child; I've stood next to a wife who has lost her husband. Some say "I know what you're going through", which usually is untrue. I've watched others try to compare sadness in their own lives to try to relate. "I've never lost a child, but I've lost others who were important to me". In my opinion, this is selfish and inappropriate. You might as well say "I got over a tough situation once and you will, too. Chin up, butter cup".
When I've gone through personal heartache, it's nice to know there are saints petitioning God on my behalf because there isn't anything they can physically do to mend a heart, restore peace, and renew joy. But the right person saying the right prayer - that, my friend, can move a mountain.
Right person? Right prayer? What do you mean?
James 5:16 tells us "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much". Or, without the king's english, "tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer" - TPT.
When I am physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally weak - I'll take tremendous power. When a godly man or woman, someone who walks in God's ways, offers a passionate prayer to the One who possess "all power", God releases his tremendous power into your situation.
So, here's the million dollar question. If our thoughts and prayers haven't stopped yet another mass shooting from taking place, what good are they?
The answer is quite simple.
Our society has removed God from every medium, finding it only acceptable for Him to be spoken of in His house. Then consider our society, as a whole, has neglected God's house and sound biblical teaching.
The average American today lives how he wants to live, gives no concern to living a life well-pleasing to God, then expects God to show up and fix everything for a people who have rejected Him. Even worse, when He doesn't show up and fix everything, society blames Him and even declares Him to be ineffective, powerless, or non-existent. Read Israel's history and see how many times calamity, bondage, and destruction came upon them simply because they turned their backs on their God. Maybe we see a pattern for America's struggles?
Mr. Cuomo has insulted and blasphemed the creator of the universe, yet he cannot understand why prayers go unanswered. Did God promise in His word that He would never allow anything bad to happen to America? Did God ever promise He would bless a nation who turned from Him and His commands in every way possible? There are Godly people in America, but our entertainment culture (Hollywood), governing body (Washington D.C.), and our overwhelming embracing of sin signals to God "this nation doesn't want You".
If America wants a God who answers prayer, the solution isn't to mock God over his lack of action. The solution is found in the timeless, infallible words of 2 Chronicles 7:14: "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Sounds like the ball is in our court, America.