Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. They will receive the Lord's blessing and have a right relationship with God their savior. Such people may seek you and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob.
Psalm 24: 3-6 (New Living Translation)
Mountain climbing is not for the faint of heart. There's a reason only a very small percentage of earth's population has even dared to reach the summit of the world's tallest peaks. Though the badge of accomplishment is a worthy prize, most are not willing to risk the inherent danger, spend the necessary time training the body, or invest the finances required for such a venture. After all, it's not like there is a giant pot of gold at the top of Mt. Everest.
As I flew past Mt. Hood near Portland, OR last week (pictured above) I began to meditate on Psalm 24. It's significant that David used the phrase "climb the mountain of the Lord", because climbing is a process. One of the worst lies spread within the church in the last few generations is that salvation is all about getting someone to an altar so they can repeat a prayer. For years we've bragged about the number of people that repeated a prayer, never teaching these individuals about the next steps. I know SO MANY PEOPLE who think the prayer they prayed 20+ years ago was their only duty to Christ. The salvation experience is not the finish line...it's the starting line!
I, personally, have dealt with myself in this area for the last 2 years. How disappointed I am to know I've gone to church three or more times a week for 32 years, yet never matured past the stages of baby Christianity! I received salvation, yet failed to ascend the mountain. I just stood there, thinking I had no further to go in Christ. You see, this is why I am so passionate about the subjects of devotion, prayer, consecration, and holiness. I lived devoid of these ideals my entire life until I had a radical encounter with God that awakened me to the greater things of God - the higher calling - the top of the mountain.
It is only at the top of God's mountain where we receive fresh revelation, where we hear His voice the loudest, where we see others how He sees them, and where we can worship like the angels. I'm not anywhere near the top, but I'm climbing higher every day! It is this journey, the ascent up the mountain, where we find the greater glory, the sweeter presence, the deeper intimacy, and the "right relationship" David spoke of in Psalm 24. I've found the higher up the mountain I go, the easier it is to keep my hands clean, my heart pure, and my idols in their proper place.
Friends, it is necessary for us, after the salvation experience, to ascend the hill of the Lord. We ascend His holy mountain by devoting ourselves to the study of His word. We ascend His holy mountain by becoming men and women of prayer. We ascend His holy mountain by cultivating a relationship with God that makes Him the number one priority - not sports, not family, not community, not hobbies, not a career. We ascend His holy mountain by living pure lifestyles, separating ourselves from sinful activities, and living as God's children should live. If we are to be God's representatives on this earth, we should carefully live by His word (Leviticus & 1 Peter) that says "be holy, for I am holy".
Don't stop at salvation. Let salvation from your sins lead to repentance - the laying down of your former life and sinful habits. Be sanctified as you ascend, growing in knowledge and experiencing the glory of God in increasingly powerful ways. Walk away from the chains that bound you before and don't return to them again! Find ways, every day, to become more like Christ.
Never stop climbing!